Ασθενοφόρα Κινητές Ιατρικές Μονάδες First Aid Ambulance


The Mobile Medical Units (MMU) and Mobile Emergency Medical Units of First Aid Ambulance are ambulances staffed by suitably trained medical personnel for Emergency Pre-hospital Medicine and trained ambulance crew (IEK-EKAB graduates) equipped with specialized equipment and medicine for advanced support and stabilization of the vital functions of the patient.

These mobile units intervene in cases where patients are in extremely critical situations such as:

  • Multiple injuries caused by an accident
  • Patients with acute myocardial infarction
  • Patients with a stroke
  • Patients with acute respiratory failure
  • Patients with multi-organ failure
  • intubated patients who require permanent mechanical support

Ambulance mobile units are small moving Intensive Care Units (ICUs) which include, besides the equipment of an ordinary ambulance, the following specialized equipment:

  • Respirator for mechanical support
  • Monitor for vital organs
  • Fixed blood pressure monitor
  • Stretcher
  • Spine splint vest
  • Cervical collars
  • Portable stethoscope
  • Laryngoscope
  • Saccharimeter – Glucotest
  • Isothermal blanket
  • Pharmaceutically equipped

At the same time, the medical personnel of the mobile units provide immediately every possible action and all kind of specialized pre-hospital care to patients threatened with their lives, such as:

  • Airway support by immobilizing the cervical spine
  • Maintenance and support of breathing with oxygen delivery, intubation, cricothryotomy, and use of respiratory devices
  • Basic and Specialized Cardiopulmonary Rejuvenation (CPRD) – Defibrillation – Cardiac Pacemaker
  • External bleeding control, evaluation and possibility of closing the trauma
  • Maintenance of circulation by intravenous administration of fluids and drugs
  • Evaluation and immobilization of open and closed injuries and fracture of limbs and spine using immobilization devices available
  • Treatment of thermal and chemical burns
  • Treating poisoning, drug usage and other substances
  • Diagnosis and treatment of epileptic seizures, hypoglycemic crisis, acute pulmonary edema, acute myocardial infarction and many other life-threatening conditions
  • Estimation, evaluation, immobilization and safe transfer of the multiple injured patients

The above services and additional equipment are facilities that only First Aid Ambulance can offer you.