Επείγουσες Αερομεταφορές Ασθενών


First Aid Ambulance, having organized a large number of airplane transfers so far, is able to safely and reliably undertake scheduled or emergency flights in Greece or abroad, such as:

  • Airplane transfer of severely ill patients from the place of the event to the closest appropriate healthcare institution, for the complete treatment of their illness
  • Airplane transfer for severely ill patients from primary healthcare centers to the closest appropriate healthcare center, for the complete treatment of their health problem
  • Airplane transfer of patients from secondary or tertiary healthcare centers to an Intensive Care Unit or to a Specialized Center for their health problem or for their full recovery
  • Airplane transfer for a patient’s repatriation, transfer of patients for transplanting or transport of transplants

The organization of air ambulance transfers by our company is accomplished:

  • With the most fully equipped airplanes and helicopters
  • Choosing the most appropriate and economical means to serve you at all times
  • With the largest network of cooperating companies
  • Accompanied continuously by medical and nursing personnel
  • Keeping up-to-date on new developments in the field of airplane transfers
  • With the best market prices